Welcome to Sangeethapriya

  • This is a non commercial service for the exchange of Indian Classical Music for the sole purpose of research and education.
  • This site is funded by contributions from music rasikas and is run as a not-for-profit initiative.
  • Rasikas can upload/download non-commercial concert recordings to/from this site as long as possible. In any case you may please share these as much as possible so we can reduce the load on the website.
  • The site is updated regularly. If you would like to be notified of updates to this website, you may join our Yahoo or Google newsgroups. The links to these are at the top of this page.
  • If you have concerts and willing to share, contact us.


There are many volunteers who contribute towards the success of this site which is greatly appreciated. They are too numerous to mention. They share their time, concert collections, knowledge in many different areas and so on.The rasika community has a number of projects that need to be carried out. We are looking for volunteers for these tasks.
  • If you have good internet connections, be a bridge between sites like Rapidshare and Sendspace or some such. Basically upload concerts to a different site, preferably in a zip format.
  • If you have the right equipment - convert music on tapes to a digital form. There are many rasikas who have tapes to convert but lack either the equipment or the time or the expertise.
  • If you are musically knowledgeable, there are a lot of tracks which need to be identified and tagged. In some cases large tracks to be broken down into individual songs and appropriately tagged. The music itself of course divine.
  • If you are a laya expert, we need to start a section dedicated to Laya oriented matters. Similar to the Melakartha raga section mentioned above.


This site is entirely funded by rasika contributions. Your financial contributions go towards a service provider who maintains the server and provides the download capacity . As the number of users grow, this continues to get stressed and your generous contributions will help keep the service alive. With better funding, we will be able to improve the services.

If you wish to donate by alternate way, please contact us.

Rasika Uploads

The following sections of this site are maintained by rasikas themselves.